Starring: Eric Tsang, Francis Ng, Jordan Chan, Shawn Yue, Sonja Kwok
Description: This is another watchable Hong Kong film, it's another undercover cop and triad film. The Internal Affairs theme continues to be carried over to other copy cat films, I guess this is considered one of it. Unlike Infernal Affairs where there are only a couple of undercovers, this time the police department had recruited 1000 cops to join the triads. This isn't a misprint, according to the plot, they actually sent out 1000 cops to gather evidence to combat the triads. Although the film only showed a couple of undercovers, the plot itself is interesting and entertaining especially if you know Wong Jing has anything to do with this film. In order to bring down the triad, the police force had to utilize the undercovers to provide information for all the triad leaders.
My Review: As you can tell, I was finally able to rent a couple of films this past weekend and here's my review about Wo Hu. I thought this was a pretty good film in recent years compare to many of the bad Hong Kong films. It was entertaining, occasional funny scenes, romantic between Eric Tsang and Sonja Kwok, that's kind of hard to believe, but it's a Wong Jing film, what do you expect? Some of the plot was pretty predictable, but there are few surprises especially at the end. The film portrayed the other side of being undercover and what's it actually like which was similar to the film On the Edge. Wo Hu doesn't even show the after the uncover life; instead, it continues to show these new police recruits to rank themselves from a regular hoodlum to a triad boss with many followers. These undercovers will end up dying or change and move up to the ranks.
Overall: Definitely watchable, 8 out of 10. The film could have been better especially withe the strong cast and plot that could have been improved.
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